Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Canoe

Flowing, floating, drifting with the tide, the currents, the Fates;
we all embark on Life's adventure in canoes of flesh, of birch bark,
of thought.
Eddies, riffles, whirlpools sometimes torment us; sometimes
they enervate us, while other times they simply enrapture us
with their beauty & simple complexity.
Each obstacle strengthens us & wizens us to be wary of the next
which always comes when not expected.
At length, when our canoe slides to its last embankment
we depart.
Look back & take note your journey. Silently thank the craft
which bore you upon waters both still & treacherous.
Enjoy the ride!

1 comment:

Idgie @ the "Dew" said...


Your wonderful review of Stan's Restaurant is up at the Dew!

Anyone who hasn't read some of Mark's writings at the Dew needs to check them out.

Thanks so much for contributing - we're all enjoying it.