Tuesday, February 6, 2007

America the Survivor

Morning saw the sky lit purple, red & grey
with clouds, dust & fear beginning the day
for hundreds of people all thinking one thought;
Pray let me see dusk; let this war be well fought!
To rid us England's taxes; to send home Her Royal troops
this country must muster to defend our freedom's hopes
for future children to enjoy what today we die for;
what could they wish, want, crave & seek more?

Hundreds o' years later dawns yet another ominous day;
'Tis September Eleventh of the first year, second Milleniae.
Both spires have descended, the Pentagon still aflame,
a Pennsylvania field's consecrated in terrorism's name.
Standing tall, proud & vigilant in New York's welcoming bay
the Statue of Liberty, witnessing the horrors that hideous day.
She cried out silently, Her voice would be unheard
to warn of cowards' deeds so insanely absurd.

Think as they might to despoil Freedom's right
of the desire to live as one wishes, to live as we might
enjoy the freedom to safely live, work & play
in whatever manner we legally may.

Devils they be in their wish to destroy
the idea that with America they can toy,
harass & murder the innocents living within.
Don't they know they can't possibly win?

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